About Us

Our Objectives

Human Development

Our rules and tools for life help young people develop from the inside out.


Firstly we help build a person’s social and emotional wellbeing and then we look to help them develop the appropriate skills to help them deal with life’s challenges and overcome past events and trauma where needed. 

Secondly, we help them understand the fundamentals of society – i.e. about money, where it comes from and how to use it, about their rights and how to positively influence the decision- making process used by those elected to lead us. 

We look to support the development of the individual and build on the impact of that to create benefit for the wider community.


Child Development

There is increasing public concern regarding the extent and depth of emotional and behavioural difficulties experienced by children and young people, particularly in those who are disadvantaged. 

 Social and Emotional learning in childhood develops into Emotional Intelligence as we grow older – helping people identify and manage their own and others’ emotions. Every time we interact with someone, we apply our emotional intelligence. Not every young person has had a good grounding in basic social and emotional learning so often have issues as they grow older integrating or socializing well with others.

Development in this area helps individuals to: 

  • Identify, understand and manage your own emotions 

  • Identify and help others cope with their emotions 

  • Apply appropriate emotion to tasks like thinking and problem solving 

One of our core areas of focus is the promotion and delivery of education and training materials that supports the development of emotional intelligence. By giving people the tools by which they can more effectively shape their own lives, they go on to be mentally stronger, healthier, and happier members of society. 

A healthy bedrock of social and emotional learning leads to well rounded emotional intelligence later in life which can be further developed into leadership skills and training.

Our approach focuses on developing individuals from the inside out. It is our belief that our process of ensuring all participants have a base level of social and emotional learning will lead to positive and significant long-term benefits, not only for the participants but also for their family, friends, employers, their community and the world at large.

Adverse Childhood Experiences

Unfortunately, not everyone in life is born into a safe, secure, stable and loving environment.

There are those factors that are widely recognised as being ACEs that fall into categories such as abuse, neglect, and growing up in a household with dysfunctional parents. However, there are other types of adversity that create similar long- term effects. These include bereavement, bullying, poverty and community challenges such as living in a deprived area, neighbourhood violence, etc.

Why this matters

Childhood adversity can also result in long- term effects on learning, behaviour and health. Regardless of how they were caused ACEs more often than not have a lifelong impact on a person’s life. 

Young people who have suffered from ACEs also tend to have poorer health and health outcomes later in life, which is shown to increase as the number of ACEs they experienced increase. 

These effects manifest themselves in a number of ways that can be measured socially and economically under the following headings – crime, education, employment, mental health and wellbeing, and social services.

Research found that people who reported experiencing four or more ACEs are:


more likely to be a high-risk drinker


more likely to have used crack cocaine or heroin


increased risk of never or rarely feeling optimistic


increased risk of heart disease, respiratory disease and type 2 diabetes


more likely to have committed violence


more likely to have been a victim of violence in the last 12 months


more likely to have been in prison at any point in their life

These issues need all parts of society working together to help alleviate and remedy.  Consideration of ACEs is therefore crucial to our thinking when considering how to improve the lives of children and young people, to better support their transitions into adulthood and the world of work.

SOURCE: https://www.gov.scot/publications/adverse-childhood-experiences/     –    Scottish Government 31st July 2018- Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE’s)

Alignment – Coherence

Our work and our products are all aimed at helping a person achieve a state of alignment also referred to as coherence. This is when the physical, emotional, spiritual and mental states of a person are working in alignment with each other allowing the individual to perform at their best. 

This helps build resilience, a much-needed character trait when successfully dealing with challenges. The foundations of resilience begin with emotional self-regulation, a key component of emotional intelligence.

  • Physical flexibility 
  • Endurance

  • Strength 
  • Mental flexibility

  • Attention span

  • Ability to focus

  • Incorporate multiple points of view 
  • Emotional flexibility 
  • Positive outlook

  • Self-regulation 
  • Spiritual flexibility

  • Commitment to values
  • Tolerance of others’ values and beliefs

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